Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Dan's trip to Colorado was good and my sis's visit was too but we are happy to have Daddy back.  Owen seems to be going through some attachment milestone and would love to be attached to my hip.  The entire time my sister was here he cried for me if he was not in my arms.  It is difficult but I must admit that when I pick him up and he nuzzles his little face into my chest and grabs me tight it truly melts me.  I know this is a passing phase so I'm gonna just enjoy my little Momma's boy for now.  Paige was a very happy and social baby with my sis and the kids.  She loved to laugh and watch Jalie dance and read to her.  Julie and I took several walks and she said she felt inspired to get out and do more when she got home.  I hope she does and I hope that we keep up our walks even when the heat continues to creep up. 

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