You are a month into your 3rd year and keeping this mommy on her toes! You continue to want to do things independently and I cling to doing things for you every chance I get. You are still a daddy's girl and even yesterday proclaimed "daddy is my best friend". Believe me when I say, I was not rolling my eyes, I was just trying to get hair out of my face;)
You love to sing and dance. When mommy announces a dance party, you are the first to jump up and start shaken it. Your sweet little voice singing broken bits of songs we sing at home or ones you learn at daycare is my favorite thing to listen to. In fact, this morning you climbed in bed with us before 6 am and sang pieces of "You are my sunshine". I smiled, kissed your forehead and politely asked you to go back to sleep.
You are a pretty good eater and still love to eat lots of fruit. But if we let you, I think you would eat candy morning, noon and night.
You are outgoing with your friends at daycare and on play dates but get a little shy around adults you don't know very well. You have lots of baby dolls and other girly toys but you seem more interested in playing superheroes, doctor, and monster games.
Daddy and I often shake our heads at each other wondering where in the heck you come up with some of the stuff you say and do. We also have to take turns wrangling your little hinney because you like to make us work for things like getting dressed, taking a bath, or wiping your nose.
You love your brother and daycare tells me you hug and kiss on him often. This makes my heart so happy! I won't go into the hair pulling, kicking, hitting, irritating each other that happens once and awhile (all the time;), who's gonna remember that stuff anyway?!
My Sweet Sunshine, My little Pay-G-G, My Sis-a-roo, My Sissy-sue. Stay brave, fierce and mighty! I cannot get enough of your silly little personality and could just SQUEEZE you ALL DAY-EVERY DAY.. You make mommy proud and continue to be the brightest, funniest part of my life.