Friday, August 31, 2012
Freaky Friday!
So something about the start to this Friday has been a little..well..freaky! It started with mama getting her booty out of bed at 5:30 to go for a run/walk.. Like I said, FREAKY! Then Paige woke up with her little middle finger stuck in her hair after twirling it all night I'm sure. This lead to a impromptu hair cut to release the knot that mama could not comb out. Then, both O and P quietly sat and watched Clifford the Big Red Dog, allowing mama uninterrupted time to get ready, FREAKY! Then while doing Paige's hair, she counted numerous times, very clearly to 2. 1..2..1..2..1..2.. She is brilliant, not freaky. And finally, when it was time to get in the van, Owen went, by himself, without protest, FREAKY!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Letter to Owen
Dear, Sweet little Owen,
Today you are 22 months old! I have yet to find that magic bottle or sponge to capture every smile, laugh, word, dance, hug and kiss, so this blog will have to do for now... You are an energetic little boy with a very sweet nature. Your vocabulary has exploded in the last month or two and you repeat whatever you hear. You love your dada but I'm happy to report you are a total mama's boy! You love cars, choo'choo's, buzz light year, and books. You LOVE to watch cartoons and movies and if we let you, you would sit there for hours. Mama uses this to her advantage when work needs to be done around the house. You're favorite phrase is "help mama" and you say it A LOT! I taught you that to reduce the "uh uh uh" when you would get frustrated. You have become a awesome little eater but continue to prefer fruit. Your favorite is still the "nana" (banana)! You are learning your colors but pretty much say everything is "lello" (yellow). You love to play outside and play in the water. You love your sissy, but you really don't like it when she takes your toys and you let her know by telling her very loudly "NO SISSY", at times you will bite her but we are trying very hard to change that. In two short months you will be turning 2! So please do your mama a big favor, be patient when I hold you a little longer and hug you a little tighter.
With all my Love,
Today you are 22 months old! I have yet to find that magic bottle or sponge to capture every smile, laugh, word, dance, hug and kiss, so this blog will have to do for now... You are an energetic little boy with a very sweet nature. Your vocabulary has exploded in the last month or two and you repeat whatever you hear. You love your dada but I'm happy to report you are a total mama's boy! You love cars, choo'choo's, buzz light year, and books. You LOVE to watch cartoons and movies and if we let you, you would sit there for hours. Mama uses this to her advantage when work needs to be done around the house. You're favorite phrase is "help mama" and you say it A LOT! I taught you that to reduce the "uh uh uh" when you would get frustrated. You have become a awesome little eater but continue to prefer fruit. Your favorite is still the "nana" (banana)! You are learning your colors but pretty much say everything is "lello" (yellow). You love to play outside and play in the water. You love your sissy, but you really don't like it when she takes your toys and you let her know by telling her very loudly "NO SISSY", at times you will bite her but we are trying very hard to change that. In two short months you will be turning 2! So please do your mama a big favor, be patient when I hold you a little longer and hug you a little tighter.
With all my Love,
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Music in the park!
Sunday evening we meet friends at young park for the last "music in the park" for the summer. It was a fun funk band and Owen and Paige had a great time running around dancing a little here an there. Momma is kicking herself for not going to more over the summer but now knows next summer it's totally worth interrupting our evening routine to spend some with our community listening to music.
Owen is a happy camper with all his new trains. He is not such a happy camper when his sis wants to play with them too but sharing isn't the easiest thing at his age.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
We love us some rain!
Last night right before bath time we took some time to enjoy the drizzle that was falling from the sky. Sure do love these naked little butts!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Weekend in Carlsbad..
We had a fun but quick trip to Carlsbad this weekend. Was a good way for mama to survive the last few days of our dada being out of town. We celebrated Granny's birthday a little late with a nice dinner, owen and Paige went on their first 4-wheeler ride with mama, we jumped on the trampoline, and played a lot with our cousins. Owen scored a ton of trains that Ross generously handed down to him and granny and pa gave us a cookie jar that really reminds mama of the one she had growing up.
Before heading to Carlsbad for the weekend, we spent the morning in the desert with Nana learning about butterflies but not really seeing any. We did get butterflies painted on us, Paige on her hand and Owen on his leg. We met our twin friends there, Dagny and Yulie. We also went on a little hike, painted a picture and saw a baby turtle, perhaps the highlight!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
See ya soon dada!
Babies today our dada left on a plane. This is his yearly trip to hang out with his buddies and indulge in all things gaming. Lucky for us we already have nana and friends who are happy to come over and help mama out. This is especially needed since we are still adjusting to this back to work thing and you guys have not been in the happiest of moods at the end of the day. We will sure miss him but we hope dada has a safe and fun trip!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Happy birthday Nana!
Today is our wonderful Nana's birthday. Because dada is going out of town tomorrow we celebrated last night with dinner, desert, and Nana juice! Nana loved her framed pictures from last years rafting trip to celebrate her 60th birthday. Happy birthday Nana, we love you more!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Thursday, August 9, 2012
After work fun!
First day back to work blues were made better by coming home and enjoying a rain storm. After the down pour we walked around the block barefoot splashing in the water.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Last day home for summer!
Tomorrow mama goes back to work so today was spent playing and lounging. We stayed in our jammies all day, did some painting with colored ice, played in our rice/bean box, read books, and snuggled and cuddled as much as you little babies would allow. I sure will miss days like this but welcome the structure that work and daycare will bring.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Pudding painting party!
For one last "hooray" for summer we invited friends over for a cookout and some fun playing with pudding. Owen was very focused painting with the pudding, where paige was happy to just eat it! We had a wonderful time with our friends and momma is excited for more activity type get-togethers! I'm thinking pumpkin painting in the fall?!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Ahoy there mates!
Once a week for 5 weeks this summer we went to a kindermusik class about the ocean. We had fun dancing, singing, and learning. Highlights each week were the "ahoy there" song, story time, and getting cool music note stamps on our arms. Oh and can't forget going out to eat at Las Trancas after. Sad it's over but ready to move on to some other fun activity, swimming perhaps?!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Another "poo-poo-" story...
Owen this time I'm going to share a poop story about you. Unfortunately, this story does not involve you using the potty. So, yesterday after dinner you begged to go outside, so I let you and Paige out then closed the door to keep flies out while I quickly put something away. You went out of my sight for a bit then came back to the door with both hands full saying "ucky, ucky". Nana (who came to visit) and I both said "what does he have?", I thought to myself "it sure looks like poop but he wouldn't do that"! Wrong, you would in fact do just that! You picked up two handfuls of dog poo and brought it to the door to tell us that it was "ucky". Oh, Owen...
Adios Summer 2012!
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