Since your daddy and I have been together, we have always traveled to Carlsbad a few days before Christmas and headed back to Las Cruces on Christmas day. We had talked about changing it up this year so we could be in our home on Christmas morning but plans, as they will, were changed so we stuck with tradition once again this year. We had a great time in Carlsbad.. Highlights included riding on the tractor with Uncle Rocky (Paige you hopped on with no fear), meeting a horse named Peanut, playing with our cousins, mama and dada getting some time away to have dinner with Uncle Nathan, prepping Christmas Eve for Santa (reading the night before Christmas, spreading reindeer food on the lawn, and cookies and milk), and waking up on Christmas morning to see all the special things Santa brought us. Owen, you told dada "I'm scared" when he came into the room to tell us that Santa had came. It was so sweet and I had to try very hard not to giggle...
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Twas the night before Christmas 2012!
Two little chickens are snug in their beds with visions of scoot bikes zooming in their heads. This parenting thing just keeps getting better and better. I can't wait til the morning to see their little faces!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Sesame Street!
You know your mama and dada love you when they drive 6 hours to watch your face light up! Saturday we packed up the van, packed our Nana up too, and headed to Albuquerque to see elmo and friends live. The trip was nothing but fun! At the show we had our first snow cone, ate cotton candy, and danced. Owen, you got a hug and tap on the head from Ernie, and Paige you got a high five from Rosita! Paige you were a little scared at the start of the show but you warmed up and danced in the aisle at the second half. Owen you were loving it from the start but got all tuckered out and slept most if the second half in nana's arms. I had to fight back tears throughout the show, it was just so fun and filled my heart with joy to see this through your eyes.. Okay, sappy mama moment over!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
So this hump day you got your hair cut by nana's friend, Bernadette, and also got a very special gift in the mail from one of dada's work friends living in Germany. After picking you little chickens up we headed straight to Bern's house. You both did a fantastic job of sitting still while she cut your hair, the peanut butter m&ms helped;). The special gift was chocolates and a advent calendar.. We all enjoyed the chocolates, especially me!
Monday, December 3, 2012
What a weekend!
The saying is true, time does fly when you are having fun! Saturday we picked out a Christmas tree, surprised Nana at her house with two poinsettas, decorated the house, and Uncle Alex came over surprising mama with rice and salsa, yumm! Sunday Mama and Uncle Alex ran a 5k and dada surprised mama by loading you both up to hang out at the race while we waited to Alicia and Tony to finish their run. Paige, you even had cute little pony tails! After the run we headed to Andele's dog house for a early lunch. You both were a little antsy and not too hungry so the meal itself was scarfed down by mama and dada but the company was good and it's just another restraunt experience with two, two year olds! After lunch it was home for a short nap. We were initally planning on missing a bday party but after a phone call, mama did the unthinkable and woke you guys up from a nap, gasp! Connor was worried that no kids were coming for his birthday so his mama called to make sure we would be there. Couldn't say no to that. You were both a little cranky initailly but after we got to the party you were all smiles. After the party we started to head home but instead decided to go have pizza with Nana and Net at Nana's house. It was a wonderful two days spent with friends and family!

Monday, October 29, 2012
HaPpY BiRThdAy Paige and Owen!
Sweet, Sweet Babies, today you are two years old! This past year you have grown into two of the most lovable little people. I look forward to everyday and the wonderful challenges and adventures you bring into my world. Happy Birthday Owen and Paige, Mommy loves you forever and always!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Pumpkin Patch Fun!
Pumpkins, slides, and adult tricycles! We had a great time at the pumpkin patch with Julie, Ross,Jalie, Hilda and Avery. Highlights for Owen and Paige were no doubt the slides. I'm sure you guys could have stayed there all day. Mama's favorite part was the big trikes and semi-racing dada while we both held you babies on our laps.. We all enjoyed the tractor ride to the pumpkin patch to pick out a few winners that we could chop up to welcome trick-or-treaters to our house. Got some really good pics of my little cuties:)
Friday, October 26, 2012
What a fun Friday we had! We went to nana's office Halloween party and our papaw came to town for a nice long visit. You made the cutest little puppies and filled up on all this sugary!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Last week you guys made these cute little sun flowers. The middle is made of colored rice and they are so cute. I tried to tape them up in the kitchen but the rice makes them a little too heavy for that. So I will capture them here so I can always enjoy them!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
A sandbox built for 2!
So while dada was off on his adventure, mama and nana got busy and made a sandbox. It took most of the weekend and extra help from nana's neighbor and uncle Alex but we got it done. Dada helped put the finishing touches (the seats) when he got home. I've gotta say, I'm pretty proud of it! I hope it brings hours of enjoyment to my little chickens.. Lots of love went into it that is for sure!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Dada is on an adventure!
Babies tonight our dada left for a week to go hike the Grand Canyon with papaw, uncle Jon, and cousins Cameron and Derek. We sure are gonna miss him but we are happy that he gets to go have such a cool adventure. So lets brace ourselves for what's sure to be a interesting week. I'm guessing we will eat out a little more and the casa will get a little messier than usual but it will just make dada's return home that much sweeter!
Planting roots!
We now have a beautiful Modesto Ash that calls our backyard home! I'm excited to watch it grow, rake up leaves, and sit in its shade on hot sunny days. Funny how planting a tree didn't really seem important to me until Paige and Owen came along.. You babies have brought so much to my life and now you have brought life to our back yard.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The big 3-4!
I had a fantastic birthday yesterday! A ton of birthday shout-outs from friends and family, got pulled over and didn't get a ticket, yummy birthday dinner, ice cream cake at the kid table with the three most important people that rock my world everyday!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Paige and Mama's Speical Day...
It's fall break which means mama has three days off from work. That means one whole day just for mama and Paige to play. Paige we had a fantastic fun filled day together. After dropping bubba off to play with his friends at daycare we headed to Barnes and Noble. There we shared a pumpkin cupcake (cake for mama and frosting for you), you had chocolate milk and mama had a latte. We then played at the train table and got a book 'The Tickle Tree'. After that we headed home for a short time to play then back out to meet several friends for some gym fun at gym magic. You loved playing in the foam pit, walking the balance beam, and jumping on the trampoline. After the gym we meet our Nana for lunch at Chiles. After lunch it was way past your nap time but you refused to take a nap once we got home so instead we cuddled on the couch watching a movie before it was time to pick up bubba. Several times throughout the day for you cried for and asked for bubba. I think you were worried that we were leaving him behind each time we got in the car. It was sweet! Not quite sure when we can do it again but mama is already looking forward to another special day to spend with you baby girl!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Owen and Mama's Special Day..
Monday was not only Columbus Day, but it was also the special day that I got to play with my favorite little man! Owen after dropping off your sis we headed to Starbucks where you had chocolate milk and we shared a pumpkin muffin. Then we headed home to play blocks and cars. We then headed to the nmsu pond to meet friends and feed the ducks. You loved being so close to the ducks and playing chase with your friends. Our pal Emerson fell down and you tried to help him up. It was incredibly sweet and cute and the other mamas were impressed with your concern for others! We then we out where we shared one side of a booth with Emerson and his mama. We were squished but but we loved every minute of it! You crashed before we made it home and you slept like a little rock until it was time to go pick up sissy. It was a fantastic day with jus the two of us and I can't wait until the next 'Owen and Mama Day'!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
State Fair...
We had a great time at the Southern New Mexico State Fair. It was our first fair experience so the one thing we had to be sure to enjoy was a funnel cake. After visiting the animals we got ourselves one big lemonade, one funnel cake and found some nice grass to enjoy it. Paige and Owen you loved it! Mama had to fight for portion and I think our poor dada only had a bite or two if he was lucky. We walked around the rides but you babies are still a little to small for them so we just enjoyed the sights.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Flying 'J' Ranch
This past weekend we headed to Ruidoso to meet Granny, Pa, Aunt Julie, Uncle Rocky and cousins Ross and Jalie. Before hitting the road mama ran a 5k race with Alex, Alicia and Tony. It was great to run in the fog and the added pressure of the parade spectators helped me run my best time so far of 31 minutes. After the race mama headed home, we all piled in the van, got gas, and picked up a quick lunch. We stayed in a nice hotel that had a great grassy area to hang out in and play. Once Granny and Pa arrived, mama and dada got to sneak off to the hotel room for a nap. Then it was up and off to the show. Was a fun time and I have to say Owen and Paige did great even though we ate two hours after their normal supper time. We will have to go again in a few years when Owen and Paige can do a little more of the activities they have for kids.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Letter to Paige
Dear, Precious little Paige
Today you are 23 months old! That means in just one short month you will be 2! Just the thought makes me want to carry you around on my hip everyday so I don't miss a giggle, new word, cry, or moment of joy!. You are such a little ray of sunshine and you make me laugh everyday. You have this infectious little giggle that I can't get enough of. In fact, I have a clip of that giggle on my phone and I listen to it almost everyday. It's beautiful! You are talking so much these days and repeat everything you hear. Most common phrases out of your mouth are, "no mama", "my dada", "I do it", "I hold it", "I help" and "my, towel, blanket, car, cup..etc". You are adventurous and love to climb and find things that are "not for Paige". You keep me on my toes little one! You are a dada's girl without a doubt. I'm convinced that it's only because he carries sweet tarts in his back pocket;)! You love to "dress" yourself, play with your baby doll "SueSee" (suzy), steal toys from your bubba, do puzzles, paint and color, and follow dada around like his shadow. You can count to 2, and say your ABCs' all the way to 'C'! You are a pro at riding your tricycle already which mama is not sure she is quite ready for. I continue to try and give you cute hair-dos even though most the time you pull out any bow or hair tie within minutes. You have had skinned up knees for at least the last year because you are just ready and on the go all of the time. Like most months, I'm sure this one will fly by and I will find myself wondering where the time went. So my sweet baby girl, I ask that you forget all about dada just this month and give mama all of your attention. I'm gonna need it!
With all of my Love,
Today you are 23 months old! That means in just one short month you will be 2! Just the thought makes me want to carry you around on my hip everyday so I don't miss a giggle, new word, cry, or moment of joy!. You are such a little ray of sunshine and you make me laugh everyday. You have this infectious little giggle that I can't get enough of. In fact, I have a clip of that giggle on my phone and I listen to it almost everyday. It's beautiful! You are talking so much these days and repeat everything you hear. Most common phrases out of your mouth are, "no mama", "my dada", "I do it", "I hold it", "I help" and "my, towel, blanket, car, cup..etc". You are adventurous and love to climb and find things that are "not for Paige". You keep me on my toes little one! You are a dada's girl without a doubt. I'm convinced that it's only because he carries sweet tarts in his back pocket;)! You love to "dress" yourself, play with your baby doll "SueSee" (suzy), steal toys from your bubba, do puzzles, paint and color, and follow dada around like his shadow. You can count to 2, and say your ABCs' all the way to 'C'! You are a pro at riding your tricycle already which mama is not sure she is quite ready for. I continue to try and give you cute hair-dos even though most the time you pull out any bow or hair tie within minutes. You have had skinned up knees for at least the last year because you are just ready and on the go all of the time. Like most months, I'm sure this one will fly by and I will find myself wondering where the time went. So my sweet baby girl, I ask that you forget all about dada just this month and give mama all of your attention. I'm gonna need it!
With all of my Love,
Friday, September 28, 2012
Conversation with Paige...
The other day Dada was driving us home and Paige says "momma, momma", I said "yes Paige", she said "I want Dada". Dada smiled and I laughed. She is just a Daddy's little girl and a little turkey..
Thursday, September 27, 2012
New Do!
Parts of today momma could have done without, including arguing all day to get a pay raise. Lucky for momma she has a wonderful family that makes crummy work days all better. After picking up my babies we headed home to pick up dada then off to the mall to get haircuts. Paige and Owen were little rock stars and just sat there quietly while the stylist went to work. After that we headed to nana's house to move some furniture, have dinner and visit with nana and aunt Nette.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
When we're sleepy!
Babies when you are sleepy you both have these sweet little things you do. Owen you pull on your earlobes and Paige you twirl your hair. Give you guys a binky, aka 'keekee' in our house, and you both go to town. Owen you look like your milking a cow and Paige you twirl your hair like there is no tomorrow. The last few mornings I have thought I may have to break out the scissors and cut the knots that you spin while sleeping, but so far we have been lucky and mama has been able to get them out.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Family Visit...
After the race on saturday it was home for a short nap then Julie and the kids came into town. Julie watched you both for a few hours while momma and dada went shoe shopping. Then we all packed up to eat at Ross and Jalie's favorite restaurant, McCalisters. I would consider it a successful eating out experience being that I feel like I was able to enjoy my meal and no one had to get up to chase a baby or take anyone outside. In the evening, Paige you faded fast and were in bed by 7:15. After Owen was in bed we broke out the fun snack food and watched a movie. The next morning momma and Aunt Julie got to go for a long walk while you guys played with Ross and Jalie.
After everyone left it was a long nap, thank goodness, then off to a playdate with Reese and Aiden. Great Weekend!
After everyone left it was a long nap, thank goodness, then off to a playdate with Reese and Aiden. Great Weekend!
This was our second 5k as a family. We did great too! Momma and Dada ran pretty much the whole thing and you babies slept most of it, meaning we didn't have to stop thourghout to attempt to keep you entertained. I hope we can do a lot more together and I really look forward to having you both run with us one day!
A differant kind of week!
Babies, last week was a doozy! Dada went out of town for work and mama had a real big test. Monday Nana had a sleep over so I could head on over to El Paso for a good night sleep and a little more study time. Mama passed the test and we spent the rest of the week celebrating and waiting for the return of dada. Tuesday I packed you both up with the wagon in tow and we went to mama's soccer game. I was able to play half of the game thanks to some very sweet teammates that offered to watch you. Wednesday Uncle Alex came over for dinner, Thursday Nana went to Mississippi, and then Friday dada came home!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Park for everyone but mama!
It was a study kind of day for mama which means dada packed you babies up and headed over to your home away from home, Nana's house! You had a great time going to the park and playing. From what dada tells me, Paige is quite the little monkey! The pics that dada took are so cute!
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